Winter Series Round 3 - Edgehill

11th April 2025 to 13th April 2025


For the last event of the 2024/25 Winter Series, we will be heading to Edgehill Gliding Centre! We have been to Shenington Airfield before, with excellent soaring conditions and uncluttered airspace nearby.

With it being in April, this Winter Series event will have more of a cross-country focus, with tasks set for those bringing their own gliders, as well as for the two-seaters to allow those Junior pilots not yet able to fly cross-country to experience it. Other two seaters will be doing local soaring, so the event will cater for all. Full catering will be provided for the duration of the event.

There will be lots of two seaters, so do not worry if you are not yet solo or cannot bring your own glider. It is a great chance to meet other, like-minded pilots, as well as experience flying from a different site.

GLIDER REGISTRATION: By registering your glider, it does not guarantee that you can bring your glider. The number of gliders we can accept is limited, so you will receive an email confirming if you can bring your glider or not.

Supervision & Safeguarding
UK Junior Gliding organises the Winter Series to promote gliding and encourage flying through the winter months at adventurous airfields. During flying and other organised activities, the UKJG team will maintain an appropriate level of supervision to ensure everyone's safety and welfare. The supervision of under-18's is the responsibility of the parents or a nominated responsible adult who is on-site during the event. Please contact the team if you have any questions relating to supervision or safeguarding.

Temporary Membership Form
Edgehill Gliding Centre needs a temporary membership form from each pilot before they can fly. If you're under 18, you will need a parent's signature on the form.

Look forward to seeing you there!


Being a Junior means you are part of a community who all share a common interest in gliding. Within this group there are some basic expectations that we must all abide by to ensure it remains well represented and fun for everyone.

The Junior Gliding Code of Conduct

  • I will treat everyone with respect and as an equal, and will not behave inappropriately towards others.
  • I will respect the rules of the air and never deliberately perform actions which will put myself or others in danger.
  • I understand that the future success of the Juniors (and gliding as a whole) relies on being safe and maintaining a good reputation.
  • I will abide by the national law on alcohol consumption.
  • When visiting other airfields, I will respect the club and its members, and abide by its rules.
  • The UKJG leaders are always available to assist in resolving issues. They operate an impartial, confidential and supportive ‘open door policy’. Where concerned for myself or another, I will speak to a club official. The guidance in the BGA’s Young People in Gliding ‘blue card’ explains how club members and officials should respond.
  • I will do my utmost to contribute positively to the Junior community.
  • I understand that by taking part in UKJG and BGA organised Junior gliding events, I can be expected to confirm that I have accepted this Code of Conduct and agree to abide by it.

Data Protection

All the information requested on this page is necessary to allow us to run the event. Your name will be shown on the public entry list, but all other personal information will be kept confidential. Personal information will be deleted on 13th May 2025 as long as you've paid your fees.